Matt Johnson
Tickets close TOMORROW for tickets to St. Paul Saints game!!!
Purchase your tickets here:
Buy your tickets by July 13!
Game on August 20th.
Tailgating lot opens at 12PM
Game at 2PM
It is that time of year again for Sinning with the Saints where the MN Homebrewers Association takes over a portion of the ballpark to enjoy a game of baseball and time with fellow homebrewers.
In addition, there is always some tailgating fun prior to the game. Per usual, it will be in the tailgating lot and will be potluck style BYO food and drink. Please bring something to share.
See this link for location of tailgating lot:
Bring your beers from the Wort Share (and any others) to see how all the different wort share beers came out on July 22nd at Noon! NOTE: This is at the Production Facility at 4264 Shoreline Dr, Spring Park, MN 55384 NOT the taproom.
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