Hopefully you weren’t bored – because we have a ton of great events coming in the next month:
LAST MINUTE: Oct 29 6PM at Hackamore Brewing – Hackamore Iron Brewer Beer Release (
Nov 3 12PM at Number 12 Cider – Cider Buy (
Nov 9 12PM at Barrel Theory – MHBA Monthly Meeting (
Looking into October, make sure you put our next Monthly Members meeting at Venn Brewing on October 20th at Noon on your calendar. Homebrew is welcome and I’m sure we can find plenty to chat about!
See you there.
FB Link:
It’s apple season, and it’s just about time for the annual MHBA Cider Buy!
This year we have three opportunities for you –
Pine Tree Orchard Harvest Blend
Number 12 Cider Heirloom Blend
Make Your Own – Grind and Press
Family friendly, join us Sunday November 3rd from 12pm to 3pm at Number 12 Cider.
Open to any Minnesota Homebrew clubs that want to join us.
Read MoreUpcoming Events for the Club you don’t want to miss:
Extra St. Paul Saints Baseball and Tailgating tickets available! If you missed deadline, get them here: Its a great deal, and a great time, with great people!
We also have an upcoming meeting at Heavy Rotation Brewing on Sep 16th at 6PM. FB Details here:
Join a good cause to share your homebrew with the public! This year held at Forgotten Star on October 6, join homebrew clubs from across Minnesota to pour your beer, mead, cider, or other homebrew. The people that come and drink donate money that goes towards a good cause. Sign up here:–YEe79rhnm-n1TkbvpeoKbA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Extra St. Paul Saints Baseball and Tailgating tickets available! If you missed deadline, get them here: Its a great deal, and a great time, with great people!
We also have an upcoming meeting at Heavy Rotation Brewing on Sep 16th at 6PM. FB Details here:
Meeting this week at Unmapped Brewing (Aug 13 at 6:30PM)!
Join us for our monthly meeting at Unmapped Brewing! We will be discussing Oktoberfest beer and sharing homebrew! Derek from the Unmapped crew will be dropping his Oktoberfest knowledge on the club, so make sure to bring some Marzens and Festbiers to show off.
FB Link:
Ticket Ordering Closes Tomorrow!!!
Get your tickets today to attend the best tailgate (and baseball game) of the season, September 7th!!!! Link here:
Tailgating lot opens at 12PM – we usually start a couple hours before game (so 4/4:30ish)
Game at 6:39PM
It is that time of year again for Sinning with the Saints where the MN Homebrewers Association takes over a portion of the ballpark to enjoy a game of baseball and time with fellow homebrewers.
In addition, there is always some tailgating fun prior to the game. Per usual, it will be in the tailgating lot and will be potluck style BYO food and drink. Please bring something to share.
LAST CALL for Saints Tickets. If you do not purchase tickets by Thursday August 8th, you are going to miss out on
1. Homebrew Sharing
2. Tailgating fun with food
3. Watching and enjoying a game of baseball
The game is September 7th, tailgating starts in the afternoon with the game starting at 6:30.
Purchase tickets here ASAP:
Only 4 weeks left to buy your tickets for the St. Paul Saints game on September 7th!!! Must buy them before August 5th and this is a CAN’T MISS event.
Grab them here before they are gone:
Full details here:
Happy Monday! Don’t forget our meeting this week at 56 Brewing and see what else is coming up! MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR ST. PAUL SAINTS TICKETS – we will cut these sales off.
June 13 6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing
June 22 @12: Iron Brewer Awards at Hackamore Brewing
July 16 6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at Modist Brewing
September 7: Sinning with the Saints – get your tickets ASAP: Full details here: