
Running out of Time to Buy Tickets for the Saints Game –

July 15, 2024
Only 4 weeks left to buy your tickets for the St. Paul Saints game on September 7th!!! Must buy them before August 5th and this is a CAN’T MISS event.
Grab them here before they are gone:
Full details here:
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Meeting on July 16th at Modist Brewing in 1 Week

July 8, 2024
Break out that spent grain or brewing ingredient recipe! Our next meeting at Modist Brewing in one week, July 16th at 6:30 PM, we are celebrating how to use brewing ingredients / spent ingredients for food! If not spent ingredients, feel free to bring some food that pairs well with homebrew!
Bring a dish / recipe and some homebrew to share and enjoy the company of other homebrewers. See you there!
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Cooking with Spent Grain at the July 16th Meeting

June 26, 2024
Start warming up the oven, we are having a fun theme for our July Meeting – uses for Spent Grain!
For our July 16 meeting at Modist Brewing at 6:30PM, bring your food / items made with Spent Grain to share to discuss how you use your spent grain off/products of your brewing (can be other off products, use hops for something?).
Also, don’t forget to get your Saints tickets for the September 7th Game (one of our best events of the year and you only have till Aug 5th to buy these great tickets):
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Iron Brewer Award Ceremony

June 13, 2024
Full Details for Iron Brewer Awards at Hackamore Brewing released below!
Hackamore Iron Brewer Awards Ceremony
Date: Saturday, June 22nd
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
It’s time to find out which beer stood out amongst the rest!
Hackamore Brewery is inviting all MN Homebrewers (and their guests) to the awards ceremony for the 1st Annual Iron Brewer Competition.
Didn’t compete this year? No problem, you are still invited!
All MN Homebrewer members will be able to enjoy discounts on beer the entire event from the Hackamore bar.
1:00pm – 2:00pm : Social Hour
2:00pm – 2:30pm: Introduction of Judges and Awarding of Prizes
2:30pm – 4:00pm: Social Time
We look forward to seeing you all at the Awards Ceremony!
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June Meeting – and get your Saints tickets!

June 10, 2024
Happy Monday! Don’t forget our meeting this week at 56 Brewing and see what else is coming up! MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR ST. PAUL SAINTS TICKETS – we will cut these sales off.
June 13 6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing
June 22 @12: Iron Brewer Awards at Hackamore Brewing
July 16 6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at Modist Brewing
September 7: Sinning with the Saints – get your tickets ASAP: Full details here:
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June Events and Saints Game

May 24, 2024
Happy Friday! Lets look forward to what we have on the calendar for the coming weeks! Lots of fun planned.
June 1: Drop-off Iron Brewer Entries at Hackamore Brewing (must drop off between 11-5)
June 13 @6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing
June 22 @12: Iron Brewer Awards at Hackamore Brewing
July 16 @6:30PM: Monthly Meeting at Modist Brewing
September 7: Sinning with the Saints – get your tickets ASAP: Full details here:
Tailgating lot opens at 12PM
Game at 6:39PM
It is that time of year again for Sinning with the Saints where the MN Homebrewers Association takes over a portion of the ballpark to enjoy a game of baseball and time with fellow homebrewers.
In addition, there is always some tailgating fun prior to the game. Per usual, it will be in the tailgating lot and will be potluck style BYO food and drink. Please bring something to share.
See this link for location of tailgating lot:
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Upcoming Events

May 12, 2024
Thanks to all that were able to come out to Big Brew Day and some of our recent events! Make sure to put upcoming events oncalendar your , including making sure to purchase your St. Paul Saints (Purchase by August 1st!
Upcoming Events:
Iron Brewer Competition Drop off June 1 at Hackamore Brewing.
Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing on June 13th at 6:30.
Iron Brewer Competition Awards at Hackamore Brewing June 22 at Noon.
Monthly Meeting at Modist Brewing July 13th at 6:30PM (
Sinning with the Saints September 7th at 5:30PM (
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Sinning with the Saints Tickets on Sale

April 23, 2024

Buy your tickets by August 5th!


September 7, 2024

Tailgating lot opens at 12PM

Game at 6:39PM

It is that time of year again for Sinning with the Saints where the MN Homebrewers Association takes over a portion of the ballpark to enjoy a game of baseball and time with fellow homebrewers.
In addition, there is always some tailgating fun prior to the game. Per usual, it will be in the tailgating lot and will be potluck style BYO food and drink. Please bring something to share.
See this link for location of tailgating lot:

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Upcoming Events: Big Brew Day and Iron Brewer

April 22, 2024
Big Brew Day / Wort Share at Back Channel’s Production Facility May 4th is coming up! Bring friends, family, and some homebrew to share! Also, there will be plenty of room for brewing on site. Reserve wort here
And looking forward, a few dates to keep on your calendar:
Iron Brewer Competition Drop off June 1 at Hackamore Brewing.
Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing on June 13th at 6:30.
Iron Brewer Competition Awards at Hackamore Brewing June 22 at Noon.
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Upcoming Events

April 8, 2024
This Saturday at 1PM we have our Monthly Meeting at Insight Brewing! Ben Gansemer will chat about experimenting in homebrew. Homebrew is welcome to be shared! FB Details:
And looking forward, a few dates to keep on your calendar:
Big Brew Day / Wort Share at Back Channel’s Production Facility May 4th (reserve wort here
Iron Brewer Competition Drop off June 1 at Hackamore Brewing.
Monthly Meeting at 56 Brewing on June 13th at 6:30.
Iron Brewer Competition Awards at Hackamore Brewing June 22 at Noon.
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