Are you ready for Learn to Brew Day? It’s coming up on November 7th at Barley John’s Brew Pub in New Brighton. Come on up, bring your friends, bring your homebrew to share and have some fun!
Photo by Dave Royer
We will be starting the festivities around 10am and will have people brewing through out the day. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce friends and family to the world of brewing. We will have some fantastic prizes to give away as well!
In addition to beer brewing, this is our annual cider buy. We have reserved 500 gallons of fresh pressed, un-pasteurized cider. We have almost all of it reserved but there is a bit left. If you are interested in cider, check out last year’s article about how get started making hard cider, then go email Jonathan Beckel for details and to see if you can still reserve some.
Photo by Chip Walton – Chop and Brew