
Video Meeting Friday the SEVENTEENTH!

April 14, 2020

Dah.  The new WordPress calendar goes Monday through Sunday, so Saturdays look like Fridays when one is moving quickly . . .

Anyway–at 7:00 this Friday, Zoom your fellow MHBA members.  Board election around 7:30.

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Video Meeting at 7:00, Friday, April 18th

April 14, 2020

(President Dave Matson writes) What a great way to maintain our social distance, stay at home and hang out together! Join us for a virtual club gathering and share a few homebrews or whatever kind of quarantine beverage you have been enjoying recently. Got a good brew disaster story? A virtual tour of your brewery? Latest thing you’ve been fermenting? Be ready to share the stories and enjoy the night virtually hanging out. Only “business” is election of officers for 2020, we can plan to do that at 7:30ish. Otherwise, just tomfoolery and shenanigans.

For those who will be joining via computer when you click on the link below it will load a zoom interface app and then take you to the meeting. For those joining via phone, I would recommend adding the zoom app on your phone (free) and don’t need to sign up, just have the app. If you have problems getting into the meeting please message Dave Matson.

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January 31, 2020

Adam Bystrom, Josh Mahoney, and other MHBA members did the club PROUD at Mash-Out! Thank you to everyone who entered under the club name, and congratulations to the following members whose wares were deemed medal-worthy. Josh Mahoney took second in Best of Show Mead, Adam Bystrom won TEN(!) mead medals, and Kevin Meintsma and Anthony Davis each also won a mead medal. Paul Dienhart and Colby Reineke each won two medals for their beers! The club looks forward to trying some of these award-winning beverages at an upcoming meeting (hint, hint . . . )!

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Free bowling party for members and their families

January 23, 2020

Bring the family for some free bowling in a Catholic church basement!  Shoe rental is your responsibility, but it’s only $2/pair.  Sunday, February 16th.  Check the article for more details.


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Come to Torg Brewing Thursday for Nathan Steigman’s Dark IPA aged on hickory

December 9, 2019

To get your tastebuds ready for Saturday’s Holiday Potluck Party at Summit, please come to Torg Brewing this Thursday.  In September the club held the Iron Brewer competition, and this year’s mandatory ingredient was wood.  Torg agreed to brew the best entry that the law and their systems allow, and Nathan Steigman’s Dark IPA aged on hickory was selected.  Nathan went to Torg in October to help brew a version of his recipe, and the resulting beverage will be released Thursday at Torg from 6-9!

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Holiday Party with live music at Summit: Saturday, December 14th; 6-9 p.m. Brew with Al THIS Sunday (the 8th)!

December 6, 2019

You DO NOT want to miss this event!  Long-time club member Jim LaRocque’s band The Cheese Bots will be performing.

This is in Summit’s testing room, which is in the newer building BEHIND the older brewery and ratskeller.

Please DO NOT bring commercial beer or ANY wine.  Homemade beer, mead, and cider are welcome.

Bring a delectable homemade potluck item!

Bring the family!  Play Pin the Homebrew in the Snowperson’s (stick)-hand.

Doors at 6:00 for a social hour.  Dinner at 7:00.  Get out before 9:00.

This Sunday (the 8th)–brew with Al Boyce at 10:00 a.m.  Contact alboyce (at) for information.  We are hoping that many club members will host a brew day for interested parties once in a while.  It gives people a chance to see other brewers’ methods and equipment.

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Carpool to the Double Social? Wednesday, November 20th

November 12, 2019

Let’s leave the loop and go drink some club members’ professional beers, eh?  Some carpooling might be in order as we head south and west to u4ic and Roets’ Brewery on the 20th.  Homemade beverages are welcome at both stops, as these venues are open just for us that evening!  Tim Roets will have a prize for his favorite homemade beverage . . .

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November cider and double-social

October 30, 2019

Two fun club events this month!  First up, on Saturday, it’s the annual Learn-to-Brew event at Barley John’s.  Pre-ordered cider will be distributed at this event.

Then, on the 20th, we head to not one, but TWO club members’ breweries.  We’ll visit u4ic and Roets’ Brewing.

Check for all the details.

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CANCELED–Saturday’s Brew with the Prez CANCELED!

October 9, 2019

Regretfully, the club president Dave Matson has a cabin heating emergency that requires his attention this Saturday.  Look for a make-up date coming soon . . .

Get your cider orders in NOW!!

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Brew with the President . . . the CLUB President, that is . . .

October 4, 2019


October 12th–Brew Day!

November 2nd–Cider distribution at Barley John’s.  Membership and pre-purchase required.

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