Social Events! Tuesday, August 20th, and Wednesday, November 20th; Holiday Party at Summit!

The club will be at Number 12 Cider in Minneapolis August 20th.  This is family-friendly, but please, no animals or homemade beverages.  6:00-9:00.

Then, November 20th–DOUBLE Social, at club members’ breweries.  First we’ll stop at u4ic (5:30), then at Roets Jordan Brewery (7:30).  Homebrew is welcome at both, since these will be private events for just us.  Family-friendly.

Saturday, December 14th.  The holiday party will be back at the training room at SUMMIT!  Club member Jim LaRoque will perform with his band, The Cheese Bots.  More later, but think about a 6:00 arrival and 7:00 potluck.  Family friendly!

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