During the biggest homebrew party of the year at AHA HomebrewCon (aka Club Night), we want to showcase some of the finest homebrew beers, meads and cider from our club’s amazing members…this means YOU!
If you think you can create a brew that is ready for prime time and you would enjoy the honor of having your beer being tasted and appreciated by fellow homebrewers, NOW is the time to act. THE MHBA WANTS YOUR BREW!!! We will be conducting a “Taste-in” in early June (just before the conference) to make sure we don’t pour infected beer or some other “strange brew”.
By the way…kegs are the preferred container, as the beer can be self-served at our booth. However, we are thinking about some options the help those who don’t presently keg but want to brew for HomebrewCon.
If you can brew and help represent the MHBA, email Dave Matson, chair of the club’s HomeBrewCon activities so we can get the ball rolling.