
Sinning with the Saints in 2016

April 1, 2016

You know the drill by now.  You ignore the dreary grey sky, the lack of anything green in the yard, the feeling that Apollo doesn’t love Minnesotans any longer, and you dream of a not-so-distant future day, sitting in the sun with all your homebrewer friends, grilling meat and drinking beer, awaiting a warm evening game of baseball.

What will assist you in your dreaming is buying some tickets to the club’s annual tailgating party at the Saints game, which this year will take place on Monday, June 13th. (sorry, AHA travelers!)

Tickets will be $18 each, and include a reserved infield seat at the new stadium and some freshly-grilled meat.  Members typically bring all kinds of delightful foods and beverages to share at this family-friendly event.  We’ll all gather in the DART parking lot, beginning at 4:00.

You’ll want to purchase your tickets with a credit card, using the link below.  We probably cannot purchase extra tickets come May, so step forward now to give us an accurate head count, please.

Purchase your tickets now!

Photo courtesy of Courtney Ives

Photo courtesy of Courtney Ives

Photo courtesy of Courtney Ives

Photo courtesy of Courtney Ives

Photo by Audrey Royer

Photo by Audrey Royer

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Reminder: Homebrew Fest this Saturday

April 1, 2016

One last reminder that the Homebrew Fest is coming up tomorrow, Saturday April 2nd. Check out the previous message and the calendar event page for further details.

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Are you ready for the Homebrew Fest of the Year?

March 22, 2016

It’s almost April and that can only mean one thing…it’s time for the best Homebrew Festival around! Come out to the beautiful Northern Brewer Warehouse on Saturday April 2 and join us for the 7th annual MHBA Homebrew Fest!

This has been a very popular event and last year we had over 70 different home brews to try. It is a great opportunity to share your beer, mead, or cider with your fellow members. There will be prizes for People’s Choice Best Beer and another for People’s Choice Best Mead/Cider. You can bring bottles, growlers, or kegs—any amount, but try to bring enough so you can share.

We will have the club Jockey Box for up to 5 kegs available. If you want a spot, contact Gera, the organizer.

This is also a great event to bring a friend who is contemplating getting involved in either homebrewing or joining the MHBA. Hope to see you there!

For event details, like address and time, check out the event listing in the calendar. Note the postcard incorrectly listed this on April 4th. The event is Saturday April 2nd.

April 2015 Homebrew Fest - Photo by Chris Smith

April 2015 Homebrew Fest – Photo by Chris Smith

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2016 Election and Chili Meeting

March 1, 2016

Sunday, February 28 saw the annual election/business meeting for the club merge with the 13th annual chili cook-off.  Bob Norman’s El Diablo chili won a $30 Penzey’s gift card in the Red Chili with Beans category, while the open category featured an old favorite as its winner, Gera Exire LaTour’s famous Chili Verde.  Gera went home with a gift card, and took Chief Chili Pepper  with her for the fifth time in the past eight cook-offs, as the Chili Verde was the overall chili champ.  For those who don’t know, Chief Chili Pepper is the traveling trophy for the cook-off.

2016-02 Chili and Elections 3

In other, non-food voting, Brett Glenna stepped aside from the president’s post, and we send a hearty “thank you” to Brett for his excellent years of service to the club.  John Longballa, who had been vice-president, was elected president, a position he held back in 2005-2006.  Matt Wiede, whose board member at-large term was expiring, was elected vice-president.  Gera Exire LaTour, who gave a detailed account of the club’s finances, was re-elected treasurer, while Dave Royer, who detailed the current state of memberships, was re-elected secretary.  Chris Smith was re-elected to his board member at-large position, and Dave Matson was elected to fill the post vacated by Matt Weide.  Paul Illa’s and Dan Dugan’s board member at-large positions were not up for election.

The meeting was graced by the presence of Wayne and Noah Marklowitz from RF Doering Hop Farm.  They provided a presentation on the state of their newer farm and hop processing business, and fielded many questions from members.

2016-02 Chili and Elections 4

The next meeting is the annual Homebrew Fest, Saturday, April 2nd at Northern Brewer Warehouse.

2016-02 Chili and Elections 1

2016-02 Chili and Elections 2

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Are you good enough for Chief Chili Pepper?

February 23, 2016

It’s that time of year again. Chief Chili Pepper is coming out of hiding and that means it must be time for the Annual Chili cookoff with the MHBA!

This Sunday we will host the annual event at the CSPS hall in St Paul in conjunction with the election of club officers and a special presentation by Wayne Marklowitz of RFDoering Hop Farm. Hops, chili and homebrew…what else do you need?

Here is the low-down on the event, what’s happening when and what you need to bring.


Here is the approximate schedule. Don’t get upset when this changes a bit.

  • 12:00 – Arrival and social hour.
  • 1:00 – Potluck chili showdown.
  • 2:00 – Presentation by Wayne Marklowitz of RFDoering Hop Farm.
  • 2:30 – Election of club officers and treasurer’s report.
  • 4:00 – Adjournment.

If you’ve wanted to get involved with the club in a leadership capacity, well, here’s your opportunity! We will be voting on president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and two at-large board seats. Not everyone is wanting to continue his/her position, so please consider tossing your hat in the ring!

MHBA Chili Cookoff 2015-1170346

Chili Contest

Break out your best chili recipe, and if you win the people’s choice award, you can take home Chief Chili Pepper! There are three categories you may enter:

  • Red Chili – meat, but NO beans
  • Chili with Beans
  • Open – green, vegetarian, white, whatever

Homebrew, mead, and cider are encouraged, especially those that go well with chili. If you bring at least a six-pack’s worth (or one growler, or one keg) of one style for group tasting, then you will receive credit for that style in the Brewers of Fame program.

What to Bring

YOU should bring your chili ready-to-eat, in crockpots, along with extension cords, power strips, and serving utensils. Bring a sample glass and some homebrew to share. Bring the family too!

The CLUB will provide bowls, spoons, and napkins.

Chief Chilipepper

Chief Chili Pepper is the traveling trophy awarded to the winner of the chili contest!

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Congratulations to 2016 Brew Ha Ha Winners

February 22, 2016

Congratulations to all the 2016 Brew Ha Ha  Duluth Homebrew competition winners!

Below are all the MHBA winners from Brew Ha Ha. Did I miss you? Shoot us an email and I’ll update it and next time submit you entry with MHBA as the club name!

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Congratulations to Mashout Winners

February 22, 2016

Congratulations to all the 2016 Minnesota Mashout Winners!

Below are all the MHBA winners from Mashout. Did I miss you? Shoot us an email and I’ll update it and next time submit you entry with MHBA as the club name!


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Bowling Party

February 5, 2016

On Monday, January 25th, twenty folks gathered in the basement of St. Francis Church School, a block north of Shamrock’s in Saint Paul.  A joke was made that the high score for the evening had to be the next club president, and soon folks were intentionally rolling gutter balls!  Current president Brett Glenna even managed a gutter ball on a lane with Bumper Buddies (Gutter Guards), as his ball rode over the inflatable gutter-filler all the way down the lane!  The homebrew was flowing, and a relaxed atmosphere pervaded the event, given that we were the only people allowed on the lanes that evening.

DSC03560 DSC03572 2016-01-25 20.00.04-3 2016-01-25 19.40.12 2016-01-25 20.34.09DSC03567 DSC03566 DSC03565

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It’s time for a chili competition!

February 5, 2016

Do you have a fantastic chili recipe that you need to show off? How about a new experimental recipe that pairs great with your latest homebrew? It’s time for the MHBA annual chili cookoff competition!

MHBA Chili Cookoff 2015-1170287

The February MHBA meeting is our combination Chili cookoff and Club Officer elections. Bring your favorite chili, bring your homebrew and get ready for a fun time!

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Are you ready to bowl for homebrew?

January 22, 2016

Are you ready to show off your mad bowling skills while sharing some homebrew?

Monday, January 25th, at 7:00, the club will take over the six lanes and party space at Saint Francis Bowling Center, located in the St. Francis school building at 426 S. Osceola Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102, just one block north of the intersection of Randolph and West 7th.  The space can accommodate only 40 people, so please e-mail John Longballa at [email protected] to reserve your space at the party.  Homebrew, other beer, and food are welcome and encouraged!  The entrance to the lanes is through the back parking lot of the school.  We can enter any time after 6:45. Shoe rental is $1, and is up to the members to pay.  Children are welcome, and we’ll probably set up a lane with gutter guards (perhaps not JUST for the kids!).

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