
Make Sure to Reserve Wort for Big Brew Day

April 14, 2023
Make sure you reserve your wort for Big Brew Day from the great folks at Back Channel Brewing by April 19th before you miss out on. It will be a Stout base that can be used in many different ways. It will be available on Big Brew Day (May 6th) at the Production facility.
You MUST reserve via this form by Apr 19th to receive wort:
FB Event:
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Upcoming Events

March 31, 2023
Upcoming events for the club:
April 24 @6PM at Forgotten Star Brewery: Our April Monthly Meeting – Eric Sannerud, who has worked with hops for over a decade as a farmer, marketer and consultant will be joining us for Hop Education presentation and a thorough QnA session.
May 6 at Back Channel Brewing: Big Brew Day and Wort Share courtesy of the fantastic team at Back Channel. Make sure to reserve wort here:
May 27 @12PM at Steel Toe Brewing: A brewery visit for a tour of the facility and Q&A with their team
June 27 @6:30PM at Bear Cave Brewing: Our Monthly Meeting – educational topic in works.
August 20 @12PM: Sinning with the Saints! Join us for tailgating and for a Saints game – make sure to purchase tickets in our block as they will go fast:
More events in the works! Its a great time to be part of the club.
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Fun Times for MHBA and Links to Reserve Wort / Saints Game Tickets

March 24, 2023
Thank you firstly to Number 12 Cider for hosting our meeting last night and Kevin Meintsma for teaching us some valuable information about Bru’n Water. Secondly, thank you to all that showed up to our first in person Monthly Meeting since Pre-COVID – it was great to see all the faces (new and old).
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming club events:
April 24 6PM: Monthly Meeting at Forgotten Star Brewing (
May 6: Big Brew Day at Back Channel Brewing ( – Reserve Your Wort Here:
May 27 at 12PM: Brewery Visit at Steel Toe Brewing (
Aug 20: Sinning with the Saints aka Saints Game ( – Make sure to buy your tickets here:
And even more to come!
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Sinning with the Saints Aug 20

March 18, 2023
It is that time of year again for Sinning with the Saints where the MN Homebrewers Association takes over a portion of the ballpark to enjoy a game of baseball and time with fellow homebrewers! The link to purchase tickets is below (make sure to get tickets as they are limited).
In addition, there is always some tailgating fun prior to the game. Per usual, it will be in the tailgating lot and will be potluck style BYO food and drink. Please bring something to share.
See this link for location of tailgating lot:
Purchase your tickets here:
Facebook Link:
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MHBA Club Elections – Call for Nominations

March 17, 2023

Maybe it’s just me, but amid the cold this morning I could almost hear bleets of March leaving like a lamb. Pretty soon we will be standing in mud pruning back our plants to help them grow. It’s a good reminder that rejuvenation is the natural order of spring. With that in mind, it’s time to plant the club leaders who will help the club grow and flourish through the next season.

Brewing is more fun together. I learn so much and get properly inspired whenever we get together. This is your club and elections are your chance to steer it in azimuths you want.

Club elections will be a little different this year and will be asynchronous to allow everyone to have their say. As a first step, we need nominations for each position. Here are descriptions of what each role entails:

Please click on this form and submit nominations for Club President, Club Vice President, Club Treasurer, Club Secretary, and two At-Large Board Members. All are welcome. Here’s a description of the roles we need filled:

  • Club President: Responsible for the overall direction and activities of the club
  • Club Vice President: Also responsible for the overall direction and activities of the club
  • Club Treasurer: Responsible for keeping track of club finances, sending out membership cards, and getting members reimbursed for club expenses they incur
  • Club Secretary: Responsible for club communications via the website, email, and social media.
  • At-Large Board Members (two): Responsible for programming managing an aspect of the club and Being in the Room Where It Happens. This position has a two year term.

Nominations will close at 5 pm on Monday, March 20.

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Monthly Meeting at Number 12 Cider in One Week

March 16, 2023
Have you missed in person meetings? Well then you aren’t going to want to miss our first in person meeting since pre-COVID in one week! On March 23 at 6:30 PM – 9PM at Number 12 Cider, we will meet to learn about Bru’n Water and socialize with other club members.
FB Link:
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Reminder: One Week till Gambit Brewing Company Visit

March 5, 2023
Don’t forget that in one week on Sunday March 12th at 11am we will be hopping over to the newly running brewery Gambit Brewing Company to learn more about them and to have a good time.
Make sure to RSVP:
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In Person Meetings Return!

February 28, 2023

Join us March 23rd at Number 12 Cidery at 6:30PM for our first in person club meeting in a LONG time!


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Final (final) HOLIDAY Party notice

January 13, 2023

R U Redy?

No? Neither am I, but I will be when we meet tomorrow!


This is our annual event, and it’s not to be missed without an EXCELLENT excuse.

Saturday, January 14 – 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Forgotten Star Brewing Co.
38 Northern Stacks Dr,
Fridley, MN 55421

The party is in the private room at the NORTH end of the building. You may enter through the brewery main entrance or directly into the private room from the north entry door.

Setup will start around 5:00 pm with teardown at 9:30 pm
Socializing will be from 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Buffet-style food service will begin at 7:00 pm

Raffles with gift cards occurring throughout the night

What to bring
Food: Come with a potluck dish to share (bonus points for being prepared with a beer, cider, or mead). Make sure to bring serving utensils and an extension cord if needed.

A “People’s Choice” award will be given for the best potluck dish with beer, cider, or mead as an ingredient with voting going on throughout the night.

Plates, napkins, and silverware will be provided.

Beer/Cider/Mead/Wine to share: Bring any beer, mead, or cider that you wish to share. Bottles, growlers, and kegs are welcome. Don’t forget a small tasting glass—some plastic glasses will be available in case of emergency. The club will provide our jockeybox for use.

What? Remember to bring a tasting glass. Really. You should bring a tasting glass.

Even better if you put your name on it for the inevitable “I lost my tasting glass”.

Family and Friends: This is a family-friendly event, so bring your significant other, kids, and/or any friends/family that have ever expressed an interest in homebrewing or beer. As this is one of the most attended gatherings of the year, it’s a great opportunity to get out and meet your fellow homebrewers. If you have not made it to a meeting or would like to join the club, the Holiday potluck is a perfect chance to try some great homebrew and delicious food, and exchange homebrew with others.

We’ll see you tomorrow!

Kevin Meintsma – MHBA Secretary

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Last Reminder: Holiday Party 1/14/23 at Forgotten Star Brewing

January 3, 2023
Hopefully you aren’t all holiday-ed out just yet, as the MHBA Holiday Party is nearly a week away!
When you arrive to the brewery do not forget to do the following:
1. Head back to the event space in the back of the brewery
2. Grab a name tag
3. Grab a blue raffle ticket, write your name on it, and throw it in the jar
4. If entering the People’s Choice Award for best Beer / Mead / Cider / Wine infused potluck dish, write down the dish
5. Grab a paper slip and vote for your favorite alcohol infused potluck dish
6. Place your food with the others, and enjoy the festivities!
Quick Info
When: 1/14/2023 – 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Address: Forgotten Star Brewing Co., 38 Northern Stacks Dr, Fridley, MN 55421 – the event space in a private room in the back of the brewery.
Make sure to bring homebrew to share if you would like, a potluck dish (made with beer/cider/mead to enter the ‘People’s Choice’ Competition), and your luck to win some raffles.
If you haven’t already, please RSVP at
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