
It’s time for a chili competition!

February 5, 2016

Do you have a fantastic chili recipe that you need to show off? How about a new experimental recipe that pairs great with your latest homebrew? It’s time for the MHBA annual chili cookoff competition!

MHBA Chili Cookoff 2015-1170287

The February MHBA meeting is our combination Chili cookoff and Club Officer elections. Bring your favorite chili, bring your homebrew and get ready for a fun time!

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Are you ready to bowl for homebrew?

January 22, 2016

Are you ready to show off your mad bowling skills while sharing some homebrew?

Monday, January 25th, at 7:00, the club will take over the six lanes and party space at Saint Francis Bowling Center, located in the St. Francis school building at 426 S. Osceola Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102, just one block north of the intersection of Randolph and West 7th.  The space can accommodate only 40 people, so please e-mail John Longballa at [email protected] to reserve your space at the party.  Homebrew, other beer, and food are welcome and encouraged!  The entrance to the lanes is through the back parking lot of the school.  We can enter any time after 6:45. Shoe rental is $1, and is up to the members to pay.  Children are welcome, and we’ll probably set up a lane with gutter guards (perhaps not JUST for the kids!).

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Membership & Printed Cards

January 22, 2016

For anyone that renewed recently, membership cards have been printed and mailed out to everyone who paid their dues by January 10. If you renewed by that date but haven’t received your painted card, email our Treasurer to let her know. If you have renewed since then or are just now remembering you need to renew, don’t worry, more cards will be going out soon.

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Bowling for Homebrew

January 8, 2016

On Monday, January 25th, at 7:00, the club will take over the six lanes and party space at Saint Francis Bowling Center, located in the St. Francis school building at 426 S. Osceola Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102, just one block north of the intersection of Randolph and West 7th.  The space can accommodate only 40 people, so please e-mail John Longballa at [email protected] to reserve your space at the party.  Homebrew, other beer, and food are welcome and encouraged!  The entrance to the lanes is through the back parking lot of the school.  We can enter any time after 6:45.

The club is paying for the first two hours of bowling, and the folks who want to stick around for a third hour can collect $50 total for the third hour the night of the party.  Shoe rental is $1, and is up to the members to pay.  Children are welcome, and we’ll probably set up a lane with gutter guards (perhaps not JUST for the kids!).

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MHBA Holiday Party Recap

January 1, 2016

On Sunday, December 13th, MHBA had its annual holiday party at the CSPS Hall. This was a change from prior years by having it on a Sunday versus the traditional Friday. Many people responded that Sunday seems to be an easier option than trying to rush during Friday evening traffic. For that reason we will be having it again on a Sunday in 2016.

We were treated to a wonderful live band that played holiday music for all. A big thanks to John Lonballa for finding and securing the band. This event is generally a very large turnout for MHBA and this year didn’t disappoint. We had plenty of homebrewed beer, mead and cider to go around, along with a keg of Summit’s Oatmeal stout. As usual, we had a great selection of food and we are all reminded at the commonality of brewing and having great cooks. This years People’s Choice award goes to Matt Weide for his melomel and Rick Oftel for his chocolate cake dessert. In fact, these two winners made a great pairing!

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

If you weren’t able to make it to this year’s party, please consider it for 2016. It is a great opportunity to see the creativity of your fellow members along with visiting people that don’t often make it to many other monthly meetings. One of the greatest things that I’ve enjoyed being involved in the MHBA is the lifelong friends I have made over the years. Homebrewing or not there are some great people in this club.





2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

2015 Holiday Party

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Final reminder about the Holiday Party!

December 11, 2015

One final reminder about Sunday’s holiday party! Come join us at the CSPS Hall in St Paul for the MHBA event of the year!

Photo by Matt Weide

Bring your friends, family and anyone who enjoys good food, beverages and company! Bring your favorite homebrew, your favorite dish to share and a tasting glass. We have a fantastic afternoon planned with live music, a keg of Summit Oatmeal Stout and tons of fun. This is an event open to the whole family, feel free to bring everyone, young and old!

Bring your beverages with a description and/or recipe if you like. Leave your name off though as we will have a People’s Choice contest for best food and best beverage!

If you have any questions or need help, come chat with us on the Facebook group or via email.

Photo by Matt Weide

Photo by Dave Royer

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2015 Holiday Party!

December 7, 2015

On SUNDAY … SUNday … sunday … December 13th, there is but one place to be–the club’s annual Christmas party! We’re taking over the CSPS Hall (above the sadly-defunct Glockenspiel restaurant at 383 West Michigan St in St Paul) from noon to five, and your presence is requested. Where else can you enjoy delicious homemade beer and food while listening to live music, accompanied by the pleasant company of your fellow brewers?

Please arrive any time after noon, and please bring food and beverages to share. There is a “People’s Choice” prize for the best homemade food that incorporates beer into the ingredient list, and another prize for the favorite homebrew. Plates, plasticware, and napkins will be provided by the club.

The live music begins at 12:30, and will be 3/5 of the band, the High 48s (would that be the High 28.8s?). The buffet-style meal will commence at 1:00. Please bring a tasting glass for the homebrew, as well as for the six gallons of Summit Oatmeal Stout that the club is providing.

Anyone who brings at least 64 oz. of a particular beverage will receive credit in the Brewer of Fame program. The club jockey box will be available for kegs.

At 3:00 we’ll have a Secret Santa homebrewed beer exchange. Bring up to six bottles of your finest homemade wares, with your name and beverage style listed on a piece of tape affixed to the bottom of each bottle. You’ll take home as many bottles as you brought, but you just won’t know what you’re getting until you’ve got it–just like Christmas morning!

If you need to renew your membership, we will be on hand to help with that as well. You can also head to the club website and renew right now!

Bring the entire family, and bring some games. We won’t be able to adjourn down the stairs to the Glock this year, but we do have the hall rented until 5:00.

If you have any questions, please hit reply and ask away, or consider jumping on our Facebook group or email list.

See you Sunday, December 13th …

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2015 Holiday Party Coming Up

November 17, 2015

With Learn to Brew behind us, it’s time to start getting ready for the Annual Holiday Party! By popular demand, this year’s party will be held on Sunday, December 13th at noon at the CSPS hall in St Paul. As always, this is a pot-luck and you are encouraged to bring your friends, family and anyone else you want to introduce to our fun group!

Stay tuned for more details!

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Thanks for a fantastic Learn To Brew Day

November 14, 2015

Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate Learn To Brew day with the MHBA and Barley John’s Brewpub! We had lots of fun giving away some fabulous prizes and sharing some fantastic homebrew! We had over 30 gallons of beer brewed, 500 gallons of cider distributed and countless bottles of homebrew shared. All-in-all it was another fantastic event!

Here’s a small collection of photos from the event. If you have some you would like to share, reply to this email or share them on our Facebook Group!

2015 Learn To Brew Day
2015 Learn To Brew Day
2015 Learn To Brew Day

2015 Learn To Brew Day

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See you at Learn to Brew Day?

November 3, 2015

This Saturday the Minnesota Home Brewers Association will be hanging out at Barley John’s Brew Pub in New Brighton. There will be brewing happening, homebrew to try, people to talk top and even prizes! Barley Johns will once again have their fabulous egg bake, along with a great selection of food and beer available for purchase.

Stop out, bring your friends and family and join us!

We will start the festivities at 10am. Check out the Club Calendar for location details.

Photo by Dave Royer

Photo by Dave Royer

Photo by Dave Royer

Photo by Dave Royer

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