
Interested in the BJCP Exam?

September 7, 2016

If you are interested in learning more in preparation for taking the BJCP tasting exam on December 11th, Gera Exire LaTour runs a prep course to get people ready for it. She has a few seats available for the prep class. It starts on September 15th and will be held on Thursdays in Minneapolis for 13 weeks. Please email Gera for details.

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Social event and tour at Modest Brewing

August 4, 2016

Hey everyone. Eric Paredes, the Chief Manager at Modist Brewing has invited us to take a tour of their brewery on Thursday, August 11th starting at 6 pm. Paige Latham will be giving us the tour of their very unique brewing system. Midnord Empanada food truck will be there and they also have menus of other restaurants nearby. Eric would like to know approximately how many people will be joining us, so please RSVP at [email protected], so I can let him know. Their address is 505 N 3rd St, Minneapolis, MN 55401.

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What to look forward to at Iron Home Brewer

August 4, 2016
Here is the update on the Iron Home Brewer event:


  • This will be a club only contest that will utilize RYE as the secret ingredient in the brewing process.
  • Brewers will have until our meeting on September 10th to brew any beer that they feel will work in harmony and exemplify the secret ingredient.  You do not need to brew to a BJCP style.  There is still time to brew a rye beer.
  • Brewers should bring at minimum 6 – 12 oz bottles or 1 – 64oz growler. We will have the club jockey box available for kegs as well.
  • Pat and Hank McNeely will be giving a talk / demonstration on how to make award winning mead.  If you would like to learn more about the latest techniques, these two award winning mead makers will give you the scoop.
  • We will be conducting the “Brewers of Fame.”  So please bring any beer your would like to receive constructive feedback. 

There are two ways to win:

  1. We will have a panel of 3 qualified judges to select the Iron Home Brewer. The winner will win an MHBA Iron Home Brewer trophy and a $50 gift certificate to Midwest Supplies.
  2. We will also have a people’s choice award will win a $25 to Midwest Supplies.
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Going to Summer Dabbler 2016?

August 3, 2016

If you are going to the Summer Beer Dabbler and you brew your own beer, please enter the home brew contest! One free entry per ticket. Registration is open until Friday, August 19th. Infomation and registration at

2016 Summer Dabbler Contest

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2016 Iron Home Brewer Competition Announced

June 2, 2016

It’s time to start thinking about brewing with an off-beat ingredient. Once again the Minnesota Home Brewers association is hosting an Iron Home Brewer Competition!

2015 Best of Show: Scott Ode and Jim Bradburn for their Lime Pale Ale

Best of Show: Scott Ode and Jim Bradburn for their Lime Pale Ale

Here are all the details:

  • This will be a club only contest that will utilize a secret ingredient in the brewing process.
  • Brewers will have from June 13th until September 10th to brew any beer that they feel will work in harmony and exemplify the secret ingredient.
  • Brewers should bring at minimum 6 – 12 oz bottles or 1 – 64oz growler. We will have the club jockey box available for kegs as well.
  • The secret ingredient will be unveiled June 13th on-line and at the “Sinning with the Saints” game.
  • The secret ingredient will be provided for free to any member that pre-registers for the competition and arrives at the Saints game and wants to participate in the competition.
  • The secret ingredient will be chosen at random from one of these 4 ingredients:
  • Rye (Flaked)
  • Brown Sugar
  • Orange
  • Coriander

There are two ways to win:

  1. We will have a panel of 3 qualified judges to select the Iron Home Brewer. The winner will win an MHBA Iron Home Brewer trophy and a $50 gift certificate to Midwest Supplies.
  2. We will also have a people’s choice award will win a $25 to Midwest Supplies.

If you plan on picking up the ingredient at the Saints game (we need to ensure we have enough), or have any questions about this event please e-mail Matt Weide at or register below.


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Still spots left in the 2016 LiftBridge Competition

May 31, 2016

We still have spots left for the Lift Bridge Homebrew competition. If you are interested in submitting up to two beers per brewer to the Lift Bridge competition, email [email protected]. This is first-come, first served.

More details can be found on the original post.

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A couple reminders

May 2, 2016

In case you missed the notes, there are a couple Pro-Am homebrew competitions that are coming up. Check out the North Loop and LiftBridge competitions for more information.

This Saturday is the Inbound/North Loop Big Brew Day. Swing out and join us for a fantastic day of brewing in Minnetonka.

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North Loop Brewer for a Day

May 1, 2016

Do you have what it takes to brew like a pro?

Enter your homebrew in the North Loop Brewer for the Day home brew competition. The grand prize is having your recipe brewed by North Loop and being entered in the GABF Pro-Am competition.

Registration and Drop off is through June 12, 2016. Judging is June 24 and 25 and winners will be announced June 25th. Our very own Chris Smith won this in 2015 with his amazing Hefeweizen!

For more information, or to sign up visit


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Have you got your Saints Tickets?

April 28, 2016

Do you have your tickets to the 2016 Sinning with the Saints? No? Not sure what it is…go check out the event page for all the details but the short version is:

  • Homebrew
  • Tailgating
  • Beer
  • Snacks
  • Baseball
  • Homebrew
  • Fun

Go get your tickets now!

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LiftBridge Homebrew Competition

April 28, 2016

Lift Bridge Brewing Company is inviting members of the Minnesota Home Brewers Association to enter beers in their 3rd annual 2016 Home Brew contest. One lucky winner will have his/her entry selected to be brewed at Lift Bridge and entered into the GABF PRO-AM contest in Denver 10/6-10/8!

Lift Bridge is excited to include the MHBA Homebrew Club! They are hoping up to 10 of the 50 total entries will come from MHBA members. The MHBA will be selecting entries for members on a first-come, first served basis. Entrants must be a dues-paid member of the MHBA.

Here are the short details:

  • Entries will need to be entered into the website and delivered to Lift Bridge Brewing Company between (and not before or after) 5/7 and 6/11.
  • Brewers will be allowed to enter two entries, but may only represent one club (even if they are members of more than one club). This also means that if a club submits 10 entries, they should come from at least 5 brewers.
  • The entries will be judged on 6/18. Gera Exire La Tour will be the Organizer of the competition, following BJCP guidelines.
  • Any beers scoring 36 or higher on the BJCP scale of 50 will receive a ribbon.
  • The Brewer’s Choice may or may not be the Best of Show winner.
  • The winner is encouraged to join the Head Brewer in brewing the winning recipe at Lift Bridge.
  • The winner’s beer will be released commercially and entered into this years GABF PRO-AM competition (space allowing). Lift Bridge will provide one “all session” entry pass to GABF, though the winning Brewer will be responsible for all travel expenses if they choose to attend.

If you have competition questions, feel free to contact the competition organizers with any questions you may have! Please direct inquiries to [email protected] or Gera at [email protected].

To enter, visit the MHBA Lift Bridge Competition Sign-up form


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